I have become obsessed with blogging - the only problem is that it isn't my own blogging I have become obsessed with!
I can easily spend hours reading other people's blogs - and they can be about anything - decorating, crafting, living frugally, cooking, motherhood...you name it, I'll read it - I can't wait to go through my Favorites list and see what each of my new 'friends' are sharing today. I laugh at their jokes, read their tips, make mental notes of the crafts and recipes I must try...
And yet, here my little blog sits, lonely, asking where it's love is...I don't mean to make it feel deserted...For every banner I've assembled, each new menu I've prepared, and every stinkin' thing I've spray painted (Thanks to blogging, I've seen the light, and am now completely hooked on spray painting anything and everything)my intention to was take a picture and write a little synopsis, just like all the other lovely ladies do...But for some reasons the pictures and words never came...
Oh, how I've enjoyed looking around my house and seeing all the changes these fine blogs have spurred in me and my home! Oh, how jealous I am that these folks are able to all the things they have taught me and actually blog about it too!
I want to take part in Tablescape Thursday and Works for Me Wednesday!
I want to add a comment and link to the adorable Amore banner I made for Valentine's Day!
(but alas, its now packed away until next year)
I want to share that I only spent $7.38 out of pocket at Shaw's last week but came home with $42 worth of groceries!So here and now, I pledge that I will not:1) Pack away another cute holiday decoration I made...
2) Rave to only my family how awesome that recipe for Teriyaki Tenderloin was...
3) Send chocolate dipped marshmallow lollipops or ice cream cone cupcakes into school for a child's class celebration...
4) Walk out of Shaws after saving 80% on my receipt only to toss it into the trash when I get home...
5) Spray paint another frame, paint another chalkboard, or use scrapbooking paper in some unique way...Without giving credit where credit is due, and sharing the fruits of THEIR labor (and amazing talents) with everyone else!
Wish me luck! I'll need it!
P.S. For those that might be interested, I've added a Blog List of some of my new Favorite Blogs!